The Bornean Bloodsucker, also known as the green crested lizard, is a bright green lizard found throughout Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and parts of India.
Although often a striking green this species is able to change colour, turning darker brown when threatened. The males have a crest on the neck both genders have darker rings around the eyes and including its very long and thin tail it can reach up to 57 cm in length although up to 75% of this is tail.
Bornean bloodsuckers are an arboreal, diurnal species found throughout tropical forests, and disturbed areas including coconut plantations, bamboo groves, and lowland cultivated areas.
Females are able to breed all year round and usually carry two spindle-shaped eggs, which they above the ground in a shady spot.

IUCN Red List status: Least concern
The Bornean Bloodsucker has a wide distribution, presumed large population and occurs in a number of protected areas. They have a high tolerance of habitat modification which means it is unlikely to be declining.