Dyeing poison dart frogs also known as blue poison dart frogs in reference to their colour are a medium sized frog growing to about 8cm in length. Females are typically slightly larger than males with both having unique large black spots covering their bodies so you can tell each individual apart.
Unlike most species it is the female dyeing poison dart frogs who fight over the males during reproduction. Boys will sit on top of rocks making low calls which the females will follow to track down their mate. Once the eggs are fertilized it is primarily the male who will look after the frogspawn which take around 14 days to hatch.
Poison dart frogs gain their toxicity from the ants they eat in the wild meaning despite their name the ones you see in Zoo’s are completely harmless.

IUCN Red List status: Least Concern.
Listed as Least Concern in view of its wide distribution, large population, and because it is unlikely to be declining fast enough to qualify for listing in a more threatened category.