The emperor scorpion is a large species which is unusually docile and very slow to sting. Although young emperor scorpions use their stings in a normal fashion, adults rarely use the sting to subdue prey, prefering to kill prey with their massive claws. Even when stinging in defense, although they are venom adults may not inject their venom. Though large in size, this species is not considered dangerous to humans.
Food for these scorpions is any animal smaller than themselves. They have been known to eat lizards and small vertebrates.
All scorpions are viviparous, meaning that the babies develop within the mother, gaining nutrients for growth directly from her, and are born alive. In most scorpions, embryonic development is katoikogenic. That means that the embryos develop within specialized sacs on the female’s overiuterus. A highly specialized structure connects the embryo’s mouth to the female’s digestive system. Parental care seems to be very important in this species. The young seem to exhibit increased survival when kept together in family groups.

IUCN Red List status: Not Evaluated
The emperor scorpion is listed as CITES appendix II. It has historically been collected in huge numbers and exported from Africa to satisfy the needs of the exotic animal and medicine trades.